
Showing posts from February, 2023

Trigun Stampede (Amazon Prime Video) 2023 - Ongoing anime series

  Short Review What I liked more: Beautiful animation, superb voice acting, focused narrative, intriguing plot that sets its own direction unique from the previous Trigun anime What I liked less: brisk pace that did not allow much time to get to know the characters, seemingly shallow villain motivations, plot reveals to the viewer but not the characters. Recommendation : Worth following as the story intrigues me and I wish to see how it proceeds. Long Review I have been a huge fan of the original TRIGUN anime so when this remake was announced I was stoked. Premiering on Amazon Prime video, TRIGUN STAMPEDE features gorgeous animation, great voice acting, and a story that respects the original while taking its own unique direction.  As of posting this review, 5 episodes have been released and that is usually the number I give a show to hook me and I form my initial impressions on whether to continue with it or not. For TRIGUN STAMPEDE, I can safely say I am hooked. Now this would not be