ID-0 (Netflix) 2017

Netflix has lots of Japanese anime. But chances are that most of it are titles that you don’t really hear of in mainstream pop culture discourse. This has led to an unfortunate reputation among hardcore anime purists of Netflix as a dumping ground for unsuccessful anime. I will admit that I too had succumbed to that mindset. That is until I discovered ID-0. ID-0 (that’s pronounced “Aye-Dee Zero”) is a quaint little science fiction anime from the director of Code Geass, the script writer of Gundam 00 and My Hero Academia, and music composer for Gundam The Origin, Godzilla: The Planet Eater, and the Slayers movies. What looked at first like a pretty run-of-the-mill 12 episode show turned out to be much better than I expected. It is not perfect but it is a fun space faring adventure with lovable characters, great voice acting, an unexpected level of thematic depth, and surprisingly expressive CGI animation. In a far flung future, humanity has expanded out to differe...