Rebel Moon Part 1: A Child of Fire (Netflix) 2023
Rebel Moon Part 1: A Child of Fire is Zack Snyder’s loving tribute to Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai. It is the classic tale of oppressed people seeking out champions to help defend them against a powerful foe. It is a tried and true type of story remade umpteen times over and this time it is done in a grand operatic visually stunning science fiction form in Rebel Moon. In terms of story beats, Rebel Moon part 1 starts off slavishly similar to Seven Samurai: a massive dreadnaut from the Motherworld Imperium turns up at the farming colony on the planet Veldt, demanding grain and supplies to feed their armies. After a tense, prolonged exchange with the Dreadnaught’s Admiral Atticus Nobel, the farmers are oppressed into meeting the Motherworld’s demands under threat of destruction when their forces return in 10 weeks. Meanwhile, a small garrison of Motherworld soldiers are left to oversee the colony. During this time, one of the farmers named Kora reveals herself to be an ex-s...